Many people enjoy leasing cars because it allows them to drive a newer model vehicle every few years. The payments may also be lower than through financing. The major downside is that you’ll always have car payments and never build equity in the vehicle.
Are you thinking of buying a new car? Maybe your current vehicle is on its last legs, and you’re ready to upgrade. Perhaps you want something a bit safer for your kids. Or maybe you just have that new car bug. Whatever the reason, buying a new car is no doubt exciting. But there’s also that feeling of uneasiness knowing you’re about to run the gauntlet of dealer games.
Have you ever opened your credit card statement and noticed the interest rate on your card increased? It’s not a great feeling. Your initial thought might be that your financial institution simply raised your rate out of the blue to earn more, but that’s not the case.
For some people, buying a new car is exhilarating. After all, the thought of driving a brand-new vehicle with all the bells and whistles is exciting. On the other hand, many others may find the process intimidating and stressful.
Credit cards are one of the most widely used forms of payment these days. With the lure of rewards and the ease and convenience of payments, many turn to their credit cards first when making purchases.