Paying off credit cards can be a bit like doing your taxes. You have no idea where all the money went and all you want is for the entire situation to be done. The problem is that, like the IRS, a lot of credit card debt is not going to go away overnight. You have to celebrate the little wins that make it easier to stay on the path to becoming debt-free. Try one of these approaches, and you will start to see your debt going down a little each month.
It’s only $5. It’s only $20. It’s only $100. If you’re like most people, you probably hear yourself or your family members throwing around phrases like that all the time, but the reality is that the value of something really depends on whether or not you can afford it.
There’s lots of ways to assess how much something costs, but instead of just looking at the price tag, you may want to consider how long it takes you to earn it. Let’s take a closer look.
No one wants to be shocked by the amount of debt they racked up during the holiday season. Talk about a way to ruin your New Year’s resolutions!
Yet Americans continue to spend more and more each year during the holidays – especially as kids today are begging Santa for iPhones, tablets, and Xbox One’s… If you can easily pay off your holiday debt in January, this might not be a problem. For everyone else, a few handy tips can help cut down the interest payments.
Buying a new car is an exciting time! You found the perfect car – sunroof, leather seats, navigation system – the works. You couldn’t be happier. Then…you sit down with the finance person at the dealership. And all that excitement that filled you suddenly starts fleeing from your body.
Loan terms and jargon start getting tossed around and before you know it, you’re completely lost and unsure what you’re agreeing to.
Let’s face it, most credit unions are not on every corner like many nationwide banks. By nature, credit unions are typically restricted to whom they can serve by geographic area or occupation type. And while you may be getting better loan rates and higher investment yields with the credit union, convenience is still important.
As a result, to help our members have more access to branches, we’re one of many credit unions that joined Shared Branching. This service makes over 5,000 credit union branches across the country available for members to use!