Most new parents are shocked when they discover the cost of childcare today. With prices per child often near $1,000 per month, the total can become extremely expensive for those with multiple small children. The rising cost of childcare can force parents to question whether it’s more economical for one parent to forgo working and raise their children until they can attend elementary school.
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Buying a new car is a significant financial move. While the process can be exciting, there’s also a level of intimidation. After all, you’re going up against some of the best salespeople when visiting a dealership. And while most dealers today aren’t shady, there are tactics they use to maximize the sale in their favor.
During the pandemic, mortgage interest rates fell to some of the lowest levels ever recorded. This was a boon for homeowners as they could refinance their mortgages and lock in record-low rates. Homebuyers benefited as their buying power increased, and they could purchase properties they might otherwise not be able to afford.
Life in your twenties can be exciting and full of new opportunities. There are many milestones young members might cross off their lists during this period: graduating college, beginning their careers, getting married, and even starting families.
Buying a home can be exciting, and with the quick pace of the market today, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment. The competitive real estate market can lead people to make home offers before they’ve done their due diligence. The result can be buying a home that doesn’t really fit their needs or wants, or worse costs more than they planned on spending.